Category: Lifestyle
Guide: How to effectively grocery shop to save money
Buying groceries and eating at home is always going to be cheaper per meal than eating out. If it doesn’t seem that way, it could be the way you are shopping. There are some steps you can take to save money on your grocery bill without spending hours clipping coupons or joining a membership club.…
Habits to begin a homestead lifestyle without spending any money
Where are you in the homestead journey? Before I put myself on a mortgage, I’d like to pay off all my credit card debt, build up at least a 4-month emergency fund, on top of being able to purchase the land in cash. I have no doubt I will accomplish these in the right timing.…
How to serve nutritious home cooked meals daily
Getting home-cooked meals on the table daily is one of the hallmarks of homesteading. It will keep you eating well even on a tight budget, and it’ll be a good habit to develop if a large garden is in your plans. You’ll need to be comfortable in the kitchen to make the most of and…