Category: Cooking
Barbecue Sauce from Tomato Paste: Homemade Condiments
Kitchen Items to DIY Instead of Buy As I get more into home cooking, there is a growing list of items I no longer buy from the grocery store and instead opt to make my own. So far, this list includes breakfast sandwiches, brown sugar, powdered sugar, pancake/waffle mix, mayonnaise, and barbecue sauce. Buying the…
Dye Free Halloween: Pumpkin Spice Apple Pie + More
You can have plenty of fun and tasty treats without the extra disruptive dyes. Stayed tuned for more family favorite dye free Halloween treats.
Beginner Food Preservation Techniques for Long-Term Storage
Preserving food is a staple skill in homemaking, and is a way to get the most out of your groceries and garden harvest. Food preservation may seem intimidating to beginners. After all, you can get yourself or others very sick if not done properly. It is worth putting in the effort to learn how to…
Labor-Ready Raspberry Leaf Milk Tea Recipe
Raspberry Leaf Tea comes from raspberry bush leaves and is known for its positive effects on labor and postpartum recovery. It contains vitamins, minerals, and fragarine, which aids in uterine muscle toning and cramp relief. While generally safe, it should be avoided before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Always consult a medical professional.
How to serve nutritious home cooked meals daily
Getting home-cooked meals on the table daily is one of the hallmarks of homesteading. It will keep you eating well even on a tight budget, and it’ll be a good habit to develop if a large garden is in your plans. You’ll need to be comfortable in the kitchen to make the most of and…